Hidden Child
The story of one of our few remaining firsthand links to the Holocaust.
For the Love of Music
An inside look at the lives of private music teachers in Maryville, Tennessee.
Read the story here.
In addition to the featured writing samples provided on this website, other columns and news articles are available at The Daily Times archive. Some content may require a login or subscription.

Wild Eagle
Taking flight on one of the the world’s top-rated steel roller coasters.
The Painting Pony
His work was accepted for a month-long gallery showing, that is until the curator found out the artist was a horse named Buddy.
Read the story here.

Lights, Camera, Music
A conversation with songwriter Chris Trapper.
Fat Tuesday Pancakes
Daily Times Managing Editor Buzz Trexler and I indulge in IHOP’s free pancake day.
When to fold ‘em?
I go behind the scenes at the Foothills Fall Festival in Maryville, Tennessee with colleague Steve Wildsmith as we try to answer one of the age old questions of country music.
“Timothy Hankins is one of the best critical thinkers I’ve had the pleasure of working with. He is a tremendous team player who leads when needed and follows when the job calls for it. I value his thoughts and seek his opinions on all my major communication projects.”
— Tim Jones, Director of Communications, Holston Conference
“Timothy has always had a keen eye for spotting places in my writing that need to be fleshed out and clarified. He's also able to point those places out to me in a friendly and collaborative way. His combination of congeniality and eye for detail make working with him both enjoyable and highly productive.”
— Jason Stubblefield, Doctoral Candidate, University of Tennessee
“While serving as a managing editor at a daily newspaper in Tennessee, I was faced with transforming our newsroom from solely focusing on publishing a daily print product to creating content for 24-hour multimedia channels. This required forming a team of developers who not only had the technological skills to move us forward in web development, but who were adept at problem solving. As assistant managing editor for online, Timothy Hankins was key to our success in that environment. Timothy created a ‘universal budget’ to track and schedule multimedia content, as well as a KnowledgeBase of styles, policies, and workflows. His knowledge and skills were key to launching products and multimedia channels in a fast-changing environment.”
— Frank “Buzz” Trexler, retired Managing Editor, The Daily Times