Copywriting Sample

Organizing Business Website

The following is an example of website copy for a small business dedicated to helping people live better lives by becoming more organized and letting go of all the things that are creating physical and emotional clutter in their living spaces.

This copy is intended to be integrated into a web developer’s design, with corresponding photos and graphic design elements.

Front Page Headline/Above the Fold Text

Someone once said God is in the details.

But your details are acting more like demons these days. [Organizing Business] is here to help you get all the details in your life exactly where they need to be.

If you’re ready to make a positive change, contact our team now!

Or read on to learn how we can help you make your living space more livable.

Front Page Elevator Pitch

You need to get organized.


Make your stuff yours again.

It’s a simple fact with profound implications: you have to clear out your room to make room for your life.The state of your home reflects the state of your life. You deserve to live in a space free of physical and emotional clutter. Life is too short to worry about stuff. We help you find ways to manage your possessions so that they stop possessing you.

Clean room. Clear mind.

It’s time to make your world work for you. We create beautiful spaces that help you do the things you need to do. [Organizing Business] is a professional organizing and decorating service that helps people from all walks of life make their lives work better.

Help is only a click away. Contact us now to get started on a new life.

Front Page Pitch with Call to Action

Change starts now

All the things in your life should help you live the way you want to. When you’re a slave to your possessions, not only is it harder to enjoy the things you’ve worked so hard to earn, it’s harder to enjoy your life.


We believe the problem is holistic. So we approach it that way. We address the whole individual, not just the clutter. It’s an ongoing process, and it requires a lifestyle change.


Our goal is to help you establish a system that you can live with long term so that you can maintain a clean, orderly, and happy home in the future.


We’ll help you create effective methods for dealing with everyday disorder, and we’ll coach you through the changes you need to make to get organized—once and for all.


Front Page Below the Fold Text

Done is Beautiful!

That’s the Clutter Busters motto. No matter what project you have at hand, no matter how hard it might seem to get your life back under control.

Done is Beautiful!

You have to start somewhere. It doesn’t matter that you feel overwhelmed; in fact, it’s okay to feel a little stressed out right now. We understand. And together, we’re going to replace all that stress with the great feeling of a job well done.

Done is Beautiful!

Don’t hesitate to make a difference in your own life.

We don’t judge you or question you.

We are here to help you.

We’ve seen it all. And at this point, seriously, nothing could shock us.

Making the call is the first step to a new life. And before you know it, you’ll be in control, not your things.

Front Page Footer Pitch

Schedule your life-change now

We’re available for work Monday through Saturday from 9:00 am until 1:00 pm or from 10:00 am - 2:00 pm unless we make other arrangements.

Get in touch now and we will get you on our schedule right away.

Don't wait any longer. Reach out to our team to get started on a happier, healthier lifestyle.

Services Page

An extensive range of services

We are a full-service professional organizing company. We’re prepared to help you deal with just about any type of clutter that’s disorganizing your life. We provide a wide range of services to help you get on top of all the details in your life.

Organization for your home

We’ll take a look at what you have and what you need, and we’ll design a complete solution, including storage systems, closet organization, and clutter reduction strategies for you and your family. We can even help you get your garage back under control – you may even be able to park a car in there again!

Home office setup and maintenance

Work out of your home? Awesome. Bet you could use a little help making your workspace as efficient and hard-working as you are. We’ll help you maximize your office area to help you be your most productive in your workspace. Whether you need help setting up your studio, your computer desk, or if you just need help getting all the paper under control, we’ll get you up and running productively in no time.

Closet clean-up, custom closet design

Sometimes a closet can turn into a disaster area. Do you have a closet you’re afraid to open? We can help you turn that disaster around. Imagine being able to use your storage space again and being able to find the things you’ve stored!

Kitchen and pantry organization

“A place for everything and everything in its place.” That’s how grandma ran her kitchen, and we can help you get there too. Whatever your lifestyle and food preparation needs, we’ll help you find the best way to use your kitchen.

Children’s rooms

Sugar and spice, snakes and snails – whatever your kid is into, we’ll help make a space that’s unique and meets each child’s needs. We’ll work side by side with your child to create an environment that both of you can be happy with—hopefully.

Space planning and furniture arrangement

If you’re preparing to move and struggling with what will fit in your new home, or if you’re trying to make a change in your current living environment, we can help with that. We’ll measure, take photos and figure out what will work in your new space to make it look and feel like home.

Moving consultation, planning, and directing moves

We’ll help you pack, but more importantly, we’ll help you figure out what to pack. Moving costs money, and there’s no need to move things you don’t need. When you get where you’re going, we’ll unpack for you and completely set up your new space. We’ll have the furniture arranged, art on the walls, and your kitchen set up before you come to your new home. All you have to do is live there.

Staging homes for sale

Maybe your Real Estate agent has mentioned this, but you don’t know what to do. We offer a full spectrum of Staging services. From simple one-day spruce-ups to more complex staging projects, we’re ready for the challenge. We can help you sell your home faster and for more money!

Holiday preparation and organization

Do you dread going to the attic to get the holiday decorations out? Wouldn’t it be great someone would detangle all those lights for you? What if all the ornaments were sorted and stored in break-proof containers? We’ll unpack all your Holiday decorations and organize them by theme. We’ll even label everything, so you’ll never have to dig for them again. We’ll help you take the dread out of that part of the holidays and get your festive stuff organized.

Memorabilia organization

It has probably been on your list for years, and you just haven’t gotten around to it. We help you organize family photos, your kids’ art projects, and all the clippings that document your family’s life. We’ll talk about the system that works for you. It might be photo albums or photo boxes, or we might get creative to meet your needs. We’ll take care of purchasing what you need, and then we’ll pull everything out and get started. It sounds like a lot, but when it’s finished, you feel great.

Hurricane preparation

I know we hate to think about it, but if and when we need to evacuate, it’s a lot less stressful if all your “stuff” is in order. Clutter Busters can help. We’ll make sure memorabilia is in a reachable area and easy to find in a hurry. We’ll organize your important papers so it’s easy to collect all the vital information you might need during an evacuation. Wouldn’t you prefer to do it now rather than waiting until you are under an evacuation order?

Home inventory

This service is critical for all Gulf South clients. If you don’t have the time to do this yourself, now is the time to hire Clutter Busters to take care of this for you. We’ll photograph, log, and inventory all the items in your home. An inventory is an absolute must-have if you ever need to file a homeowner’s insurance claim.

Home fluffing

If you feel like your stuff has outgrown your space, or if it just seems like your room needs a tune-up, we can tweak, fluff, and do a little tidying up to give you that emotional lift you may need. Sometimes all it takes is a new perspective to feel like you’re living in a whole new place.

Room re-design

Do you need a style change in your space? Or maybe you feel like you have no “style” but want to acquire it? We’ll take a look at what you already have in your home, re-use what you have, and purchase what is needed to add to the room if it’s within budget. Bachelor clients love this service!

Clutter removal

Let’s face it. Sometimes you just need help. Do you have a hard time letting go of things? Are you always keeping it “just in case”? We’ll give you the support you need to decide what’s truly important. We don’t make you “throw it away.” But we will talk to you about why you are keeping it and if it is truly indispensable. We don’t judge you. Sometimes all it takes is a little hand-holding and maybe a little cheerleading. Before you know it, your space feels as fresh as when you moved in.

Our range of services can help just about anyone create the lifestyle they want. Contact our team today to set up a free consultation!

What we don’t do

  • Window cleaning (No, we don’t do windows.)

  • Attics (During the summer. Laws that’s too hot!)

  • Maid service, laundry, or cooking (Your mother doesn’t work here.)

  • Babysitting (We love children, we’d probably just spoil yours.)

  • Carpentry (When it comes to hammers we’re all thumbs.)

  • DVR programming or wires of any kind (Hire a professional.)

  • Clutter Busters reserves the right to reschedule on any jobs due to the weather. (Whether it's too hot, cold, torrential rains, flying monkeys, etc.)

  • Abusive behavior. (We know it's been hard living like this but we are here to help. We promise to be nice and hope you'll do the same.)

About Page

[Business Owner] and her team are dedicated to creating beautiful spaces where their clients live and work. They are firm believers that getting rid of clutter makes for a happier, healthier life. [Business Owner] has been helping people get their lives organized since she was a child. She can remember cleaning out her grandmother’s basement when she was only six years old. 

[Business Owner] founded [Organizing Business] in 1997, a year after moving to New Orleans from Los Angeles, where she graduated from the Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising. Since then, she’s been organizing homes and businesses all over the metro area.

“I created [Organizing Business] before the term ‘professional organizer’ was even in fashion. It’s just something I’m good at,” she says. “My friends were always asking me to help them clean, organize and decorate their homes. I saw there was a niche in helping people organize their homes and lives, so I started doing it professionally.”

[Business Owner] honed her skills by “busting clutter” in her own life. “I’ve moved 38 times,” she says. “I’m an expert mover.”

And [Business Owner] has seen the effects of clutter and disorganization first hand. “My mother was a packrat, and after living with pack rats, the pendulum swung the other way. I learned that I didn’t want to be controlled by ‘things.’ There’s physical clutter and emotional clutter, and sometimes they go hand in hand.”

[Business Owner] gets excited by helping her clients make their lives better. “I enjoy seeing projects to completion, and I love seeing my clients’ lives change because they’re taking control of their clutter.”

And, often, other lives are changed as well. [Business Owner] has forged relationships with a myriad of non-profit organizations in the area. These groups are often able to accept items that [Organizing Business] clients no longer need.

[Business Owner] has created a winning team for her clients. She works with a carpenter who can build closets, repair walls and help make the perfectly designed space for a newly organized life. [Business Owner] also has access to landscaping services from a local provider who can assist with hardscapes and plant care.

[Organizing Business] brings together 15 years of organizing experience and a great team of dedicated professionals – all focussed on helping you take control of your clutter so you can live a better, more productive, more beautiful life.

[Business Owner] and her team are dedicated to creating beautiful spaces where their clients live and work. They are firm believers that getting rid of clutter makes for a happier, healthier life.

If you’re ready to make a positive change, contact our team now!